The cross and crescent is primary symbol of Lambda Chi Alpha. The open motto, “Per Crucem Crescens” or “Crescent in the Cross,” reflects this symbol.
The cross is a Greek cross, with all four points being equal length. The Greek cross does not represent the crucifixion of Christ, but instead, the four directions of the earth, representing the spread of the gospel. The only acceptable deviation is on the coat of arms.
The crescent does extrend to touch either the left or top points of the crescent.
The cross and crescent is always one color as it is one object, not two. Thee prefered color for the cross and crescent is yellow. It is acceptable to outline the cross and crescent as on the coat of arms.
The Coat of Arms
Coat of arms originated as family emblems, then cities, societies, and institutions adopted them. All college fraternities have them, but few have created their design with such faithful adherence to the laws of the ancient art of heraldry as has Lambda Chi Alpha.
The Badge
The badge is a pearl-set crescent with horns turned toward the left, enclosing a monogram of the Greek letters Lambda, Chi, and Alpha. The center of the crescent bears the Greek letters Delta and Pi in gold on black enamel. A variety of jewels may be selected for the Lambda.
The Associate Member Pin
The associate member pin has a most interesting history because it embodies the official badge of Theta Kappa Nu as well as the original new member pin of Lambda Chi Alpha. The original Lambda Chi Alpha pin was a gothic arch, and with the union, this was superimposed upon the triangles composing the official badge of Theta Kappa Nu.
The Seal
The seal is used to identify official General Fraternity documents and publications. It should not be used for decoration, as an ornament for jewelry, stationery, etc., unless it is to be used as the official stationery for the General Fraternity. It is now properly used on charters, membership certificates, and authorized publications of the General Fraternities.
The Flag
The Lambda Chi Alpha flag may be flown on appropriate occasions or placed on a wall. Chapters may place their Zeta letters in the upper right corner to identify their flags.
The Recognition Button
Unlike many fraternity recognition buttons, that of Lambda Chi Alpha is neither a miniture coat of arms nor a display of the cutout letters. It is a special design showing the cross and crescent combined. It is worn only on the left lapel of a suit jacket or sports jacket. Its original purpose was to permit members unknown to each other to recognize the common bond when the badge was not worn or was obscured by the jacket without "boasting to the world" of one's fraternal ties.
The Friendship Pin
The cross and crescent with shield bearing the Greek letters pin was originally designed to be worn by girlfriends of members when the relationship had not yet reached the state of engagement or marriage. Today, the pin also is worn by members who have not purchased a badge, or by members who prefer its design.
The Flower
The Fraternity Flower is the white rose.
The Colors
The Fraternity colors are purple, green, and gold.
Lambda Chi Alpha
The Greek initials and English words of Lambda Chi Alpha may be used on a variety of clothing and a multitude of other items.